How to host a club ride
Our clubs main activities are known as “Hosted Rides”. This includes a ride route and a ride leader. Typically, on hosted rides, one may start the ride near a brewery or restaurant, where we can gather after for more “Social time”. The more rides people host - the more fun it is to be a member of the club as the more chance we get to interact through riding and social time. Once we have determined a date and a route, we will publicize the ride for you in the club newsletter, Colorado Tandem Club Calendar on our website, and Facebook event page.
Here is a quick list of how to host a ride:
Select a date.
Select your route. Here are some tips:
Use the RidewithGPS app; you can search for existing rides, or you can record the ride you want to share. This is the tool of choice when sharing the route with others.
We can pair you with a mentor to help you fine-tune any ride.
Contact the CTC Club President to ensure no date conflicts: coloradotandemclub@gmail.com
Download the sign-up sheet and make sure everyone signs it that rides. This is the one critical item as it is required by our insurance carrier.
On the day of the ride:
​Allow each team to briefly introduce themselves (i.e. name, city, how long a member)
Tell everyone about the ride; the overview of the route, anything to watch out for, places you will stop to re-group.
Anything else relevant to your ride or the social part after!
Most of all, have fun, stay safe and be social!